Could all those people who deliver envelopes to various areas of our parish please collect their box/boxes from the Presbytery over the next week.
We would like to thank all those people who over the years have delivered envelopes for us.
This work is greatly appreciated.
Fr Kevin Fay
on behalf of the Parish Team
Farewell Fr Thomas.
Fr Thomas leaves us this weekend to take up duty in Shercock for four months. We welcome back Fr Peter to our parish.
Thank You for your help and support in 2021
All who helped in the Parish in any way. . . .
Jenny, our Parish Pastoral Assistant
The Ministers of the Eucharist
Our Readers at Mass
Altar Servers, both Junior & Senior
The Sacristans in our various churches
Conductors & Organists
Members of the Choirs & Cantors
Soloists at funeral masses
All those who help at Christmas & Easter liturgies
Members of the various Altar Societies
Arrangers of flowers
Ushers & Offertory Collectors
People who deliver envelopes
People who open envelopes
Child Safeguarding Personnel
Those who help with Parish Programmes
Members of the Baptism Team
All our Teachers in the schools
Members of Boards of Management
Members of the Finance Committee
Members of the Pastoral Council
All who visit the sick
Members of various organisations in the parish who give their time so generously
Cavan Famine & Aids Appeal – Church Gate Collection 8th & 9th January. Volunteers for church gate collection would be appreciated. Please phone 049 4361158 or text 086 2557643. 100% of the funds collected will go to finance three Christian charities in Nigeria, Kenya & Zambia for food, education, healthcare & medicines. We also have a GoFund Me campaign – https://gofund.me/ed14a73f or people can donate to our account at Bank of Ireland, Cavan BIC Code BOFI IE 2D
IBAN No. IE 72 BOFI 9032 9344 7597 80
Mass Intentions for this week
Saturday 1st January 2021 7.30pm
Sean Boylan, Earlsvale Rd
Brigid & Philip Cassidy, Monaghan, Bridget & Tom Reidy,
Kerry, Norene Brown, Cork, Johnny Nolan, Kerry & Mary Zanella, Chicago
Mary, Patrick & Anthony Brady, Reaske & deceased family members
Sunday 2nd 8.30am
Thomas, Mary, Monica, James & Tommie Smith & Laurence Wickham
Sunday 2nd 10am
John Joe, Julia & Sean Smith
Eileen Rehill, Loonogs, Crosskeys
Sunday 2nd 11.30am
Jim & Teresa Keeney, sons Jim & Danny, Donegal; Connie
Harley & deceased of Harley family, Donegal & Scotland
Gintautas Puzas & Vincas Kaminskas
Mary, Frank, Liam & Michael Lyons, Drumlark & deceased members of Walsh family
Monday 3rd 10am
Mary & Walter Lambert, Gabrielle & Eamon Mc Govern,
Susan & Thomas McMahon
Tuesday 4th 10am
Jim & Mary Fay, College St
Wednesday 5th 10am
Rose Cadden & deceased family members
Thursday 6th 10am
Bill Meagher
Thursday 6th 1.05pm
Special Intention
Friday 7th 10am
Michael & Johnny O’Rourke, Jubilee Tce.
Saturday 8th 10am
Joe Mc Cabe & son Timothy, John Paul Ave.
Saturday 8th 7.30pm
Airmid O’Hanlon, Cathedral Rd. [Month’s Mind]
Annie McNulty Cullies
James & Annie McEntee & deceased of family, College St., William , Maureen & Terry Ambler
Billy McCabe, St Aidan’s Tce & deceased family members
Peggy (Margaret) Leddy, Lisdarn Heights
Sunday 9th8.30am
Tom Reilly, Highfield Rd.
Sunday 9th 10am
Mary Boylan, Drumhowra
Bridie & Paddy Sloan & Patricia Corbett
Sunday 9th 11.30am
Bridie Smith, Farnham St
Leo McDonald, Farnham St
Berna Maguire, Cullies [Month’s Mind] & daughter Jenny Maguire
St. Clare’s Chapel
Monday 3rd NO MASS
Tuesday 4th 7.30pm
Available for Intention
Wednesday 5th Vigil 7.30pm
Available for Intention
Thursday 6th NO MASS
Friday 7th 8pm
Pamela Walsh Regaskin, Tommy Kiernan, Killeshandra
Sunday 2nd January 9.30am
Jim Downey, Billis
Thursday 6th 7.30pm
Tom Brady, Killygarry, Peter & Mary Mc Cabe
Friday 7th 7.30pm
James Higgins, Drumalee
Saturday 8th 12noon
David Mackey, Drumoghra [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 9th 9.30am
Mattie & Susan Reilly, Poles & daughter Teresa Hayden
Bernard Galligan, Denbawn & London & Mary Halligan, Ballinagh & deceased family members & Larry Boylan
Sunday 2nd January 10.30am
Ruairi Dunne, Rock Cross, Joe & Veronica Dunne, Butlersbridge
Wednesday 5th NO MASS
Thursday 6th 7.30pm
Christopher Conroy & deceased family members
Sunday 9th 10.30am
Brian Leddy, Tierlissen, Milltown
We remember in our prayers
JOHN SMITH, Legland, Crossdoney & all who died recently.
Could all those people who deliver envelopes to various areas of our parish please collect their box/boxes from the Presbytery over the next week. We would like to thank all those people who over the years have delivered envelopes for us.
This work is greatly appreciated. Fr Kevin Fay , on behalf of the Parish Team
AL ANON -Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on
North West STOP would like to most sincerely thank all parishioners for their support during 2021. Demand for our services has risen steeply in the past year and your support has ensured we could meet that demand. We wish you and yours a healthy and peaceful Christmas and New Year. Our office will be closed until January 4th. Our counselling line will be available throughout the Christmas period by call or text to 086 777 2009.
Cuan Cancer Support Centre is a social support & wellness group for anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis & their family members. We offer a free & confidential counselling service to our service users & their families by appointment. Check out Cuans Website (www.cuancavancancer.ie) for more details on services or contact the Centre Mon, Wed & Fri. 10am-1pm & 2-4pm. Ph:086 4556632 Email: cuan@cavan.ie
Cavan Famine & Aids Appeal – Church Gate Collection 8th & 9th January. Volunteers for church gate collection would be appreciated. Please phone 049 4361158 or text 086 2557643. 100% of the funds collected will go to finance three Christian charities in Nigeria, Kenya & Zambia for food, education, healthcare & medicines. We also have a GoFund Me campaign – https://gofund.me/ed14a73f or people can donate to our account at Bank of Ireland, Cavan – BIC Code BOFI IE 2D
IBAN No. IE 72 BOFI 9032 9344 7597 80
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel
New Years Day 11am -2pm and 11am -7pm on all other days
In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Is 40: 1-5, 9-11
2nd Reading: Tt 2:11-14. 3:4-7
Psalm 103
Gospel: Lk 3:15-16, 21-22
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm -3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404
Please give 4-6weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community all who were baptised recently
Cuan Cancer Support Centre is a social support & wellness group for anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis & their family members. We offer a free & confidential counselling service to our service users & their families by appointment. Check out Cuans Website (www.cuancavancancer.ie) for more details on services or contact the centre Mon, Wed & Fri. 10am-1pm & 2-4pm. Ph:086 4556632 Email: cuan@cavan.ie
The priests of the Parish thank you for your support and generosity throughout the year and wish all our parishioners and their families a happy, peaceful, holy and wonderful New Year. Fr Kevin Fay, Fr Martin Gilcreest, Fr. Peter Okpetu Fr Brian Mc Elhinney & Fr Thomas Small