Masses this week in our Parish
Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am
Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)
Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am
St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am Monday & Tuesday 7.30pm
St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am Friday 7.30pm
St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm
St Clare’s Chapel ADORATION
Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Zeph 2:3, 3:12-13
2nd Reading: Cor 1:26-31
Psalm 145
Gospel: Mt 5:1-12
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm -3pm
St. Felim’s NS., Farnham St., Cavan enrolment from Monday 23 January to Thursday 2 February 2023. St. Felim's NS is a Senior Boys Primary School educating children from 2nd to 6th class. Application Forms for admission are available from St. Felim’s NS or or email Closing date for completed forms to be returned is Thursday 2nd February 2023.
Enrolment FOR SEPTEMBER 2023 from 30th January to 10th February 2023 FOR THE FOLLOWING PRIMARY SCHOOLS
Butlersbridge 049-4361730 Corlurgan 049-4361718 Crubany 049-4362202 Drumcrave 049-4361496 Farnham 049-4332011 Killygarry 049-4362144 St. Clare’s National School 049-4332671 APPLICATION FORMS AVAILABLE ON SCHOOL WEBSITES
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at
049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community Doireann Collins, Tommy Mc Donagh
all who were baptised recently
Souvenir Calendar of the Cathedral 2023 on sale at the Presbytery & Cathedral Bookshop.
St. Brigid's Crosses made by 6th class pupils in St. Felim's NS will be on sale after 10am Masses from Wednesday to Friday next week. €3 each or 2 for €5.
Christian Meditation every Thursday evening at 7pm in the Conference Room at the back of the Cathedral. Everyone welcome.
Ecumenical Service An Ecumenical service will be held this Sunday, 22nd January at 7pm in St Clare’s Chapel. Rev Mark Lidwell and Fr Kevin Fay will lead the service. All are welcome. Refreshments served afterwards in Farnham Arms Hotel, Main St.
We are asking people NOT TO PARK their cars on the avenues around the Cathedral while attending Mass or other Church ceremonies.
The emergency services need to have access to the Cathedral at all times. One never knows when the services of an Ambulance or Fire Brigade are required and access routes should not be blocked at any time.
Consideration for others is all we ask and leaving the avenues and all yellow boxes free at all times is essential.
Leaving Cert. Students – Prayer Friends
If you are a Leaving Cert student and would like a young person from our parish youth group to pray for you please contact Jenny at 049 4331404.
Envelopes for 2023 are being distributed in our parish. We are asking distributors to call to the Presbytery to collect the boxes. We also need new distributors to help in some areas. Please contact the Presbytery 049 4331404 if you can help us.
If you are not already registered with us and would like to receive envelopes to contribute to the upkeep of the priests and our churches please contact the Presbytery 049 4331404, Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm.
AA Meetings in Pastoral Centre (beside Sleep Out)
Fri & Sat 8.30pm – 10pm Sun 12noon – 1.30pm
Cavan Town Men’s Shed new members welcome. Would suit retired men. Lear or teach new
skills. Mon, Wed & Fri 10am to 1pm in Cana House, off Farnham St., Cavan
SLEEP OUT CAVAN, based in the grounds of St Patrick’s College, is in need of clothing for the homeless and families in need. Please contact them at 085 7742027.
Cathedral Fundraising - Ensuring Our Legacy Thank you to all who have contributed so far. If you don’t have a pack please take one from the back of the church. If you have already taken a pack could you please return the pledge form in the next two weeks. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact me. Fr Kevin 087 8579968 The Presbytery 049 4331404
Numbers you may find useful to have
ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
BODYWHYS (support for those affected by eating disorders) 01 2107906
CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666
MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000
MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339
TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900
Holy Water is available in the Cathedral. Ask Maura, the Sacristan.
We remember in our prayers
SEAN SMITH, Bawnboy, brother of Brendan, Carrickfern
MICHAEL (GLENNON) GUMLEY, Fairhill and all who died recently.
CAVAN SOCIAL SERVICES: Activities continue in The Orchard Function Room, Drumalee.
Wednesday - Knitting & Crafts 3-5pm; Thursday - Whist 8.30pm. New members welcome
Cavan Town Men’s Shed new members welcome. Would suit retired men. Learn or teach new skills. Mon, Wed & Fri 10am to 1pm in Cana House, off Farnham St., Cavan (at rear of St. Felim’s NS)
SLEEP OUT CAVAN, based in the grounds of St Patrick’s College, is in need of clothing for the homeless and families in need. Please contact them at 085 7742027.
Pilgrimage to Medjugorje 24th - 31st May 2023. €745 if deposit is paid by 31st January. After that date the cost will be €795. Spiritual Director Fr Peter Okpetu. Accommodation beside church. Contact Margaret Blessington 086 3850861
Cavan Famine & Aids appeal for Africa wish to thank all who kindly supported the recent church gate collection so generously. For those who missed the opportunity to contribute they can still do so online at
100% of funds collected go to finance three Christian charities– Holy Rosary Sisters in Nigeria, Sisters of Mercy Hospital in Mutomo, Kenya & Fr James Connolly in Zambia.
Mass Intentions for this week
Saturday 21st 7.30pm
Eugene Greenan, Cavan
Mary & Hughie Clarke, Tullacmongan
Pat & Madeline Mc Hugh, Latt
Maureen Smith, River St.
Sunday 22nd 8.30am
Special Intention
Special Intention
Sunday 22nd 10am
Special Intention
Sunday 22nd 11.30am
Bridget Farrell, Belville, Ballinagh & Tom Farrell
Sean Fitzpatrick, Billis/Tipperary Town [Month’s Mind]
Anne & Brian Reilly
Monday 23rd 10am
Martin Conneely, Coleman Rd.
Tuesday 24th 10am
Catherine Mc Sharry, Cois na hAbhann
Wednesday 25th 10am
Special Intention
Thursday 26th 10am
Margaret, Edward, Jimmy, Eric & Ann Maher, Tipperary
Friday 27th 10am
Holocaust Memory Day
Saturday 28th 10am
Teresa Smith, Aughnaskerry Drive
Saturday 28th 7.30pm
Philip & Margaret Smith, Corohoe; Phil & Charlie Smith, Billis
Pat Lynch, Cootehill Rd. [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 29th 8.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 29th 10am
Helen Carolan, Cathedral Rd. [Month’s Mind]
Mary Geraldine Mc Cabe, Killynebber [Month’s Mind]
Joe & Mary Brady, Ballymacenroe
Sunday 29th 11.30am
Michael (Mickey) Bravender, St Phelim’s Place
Sean Leddy, Kesh Rd. & deceased of Leddy family, Crimlin
Mai & Tommy Young, Billis
Josie Cullen, Cathedral Rd [Month’s Mind]
St. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 22nd 10.45am
Ann O’Riordan & deceased members of O’Riordan family
& Annie Duffy
Sean Murray, Swellan
Monday 23rd 7.30pm
James Smith, St Martin’s Est.
Tuesday 24th 7.30pm
Rosaleen Murray, John Paul Ave.
Sunday 29th Jan 10.45am
Tommy, Maisie, Paddy & Jimmy Mc Cormack; Margaret
Lee, Ann Oakes & Jackie Doyle, late of Tullacmongan
Sr Bridget Mulligan
Sunday 22nd 9.30am
Patrick Farrell, Killygarry
Tommy & Mary Monaghan, Killygarry; Tommy, Katie & Anna Donohoe, Pullamore
Deceased members of Galligan family, Mary Halligan, Ballinagh & Larry Boylan
Friday 27th 7.30pm
Margaret Leddy, Killygarry
Sunday 29th 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 22nd 10.30am
People of the Parish
Wednesday 25th 7.30pm
Private Intention
Friday 27th 7.30pm
Mary Comaskey, Billy & Kathleen Phair, Eugene Comaskey, Seamus Leddy &
James & Roseann Comaskey
Sunday 29th 10.30am
Mary Cosgrove, Innishbeg, Butlersbridge [Month’s Mind]
Hugh & Mary Kelly, Butlersbridge & deceased members of Kelly & Boyle families
Jeff Tidy, Butlersbridge