The Youth Choir is hoping to restart in the coming weeks. If you are in Secondary school or older and would like to join this choir please contact Jenny at 049 4331404.
Holy Water is available in the Cathedral. Ask Maura, the Sacristan.
Numbers you may find useful to have
ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666
MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000
MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339
TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900
Mass Cards, Sympathy Cards, Get Well Cards and Mass Bouquets are available to purchase in the Cathedral Bookshop (open at weekend Masses) and also from the Presbytery.
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: :1 Sm 26:2,7-9,12-13, 22-23
2nd Reading: 1 Cor 15:45-49
Psalm 102 Gospel: Lk 6:27-38
Winners of the Jan 2022 Apostolic Draw
1st Prize C O'Boy, Co. Leitrim,
2nd Prize J Smith, Cavan.
We would like to congratulate Mr Paul Flynn from our parish on becoming a Deacon. We wish him well in his new role.
Contributions towards upkeep of our Priests and Bishop
These are our account details if you wish to contribute to the upkeep of our priests in the parish. You can make a once off payment or set up a standing order.
Name of bank account Parish of Urney and Annagelliff Monthly Collection Account
Account number: 58366057
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57
Bank name and address: AIB, 41 Main St., Cavan
Thank you to all who contribute by envelope weekly and monthly and to all who contribute by standing order. Your generosity is much appreciated.
Envelopes available for collection from the Presbytery, Farnham St., Cavan
Receipts being posted out during week.
It would be much appreciated if you could sign and return the CHY 3 form if one was included with your receipt.
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm -3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404
Please give 4-6weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community Alfie Goldrick, Bernie Maughan, Maria Cahill and all who were baptised recently.
Leaving Cert. Students – Prayer Friends
If you are a Leaving Cert student and would like a young person from our parish youth group to pray for you please contact Jenny at 049 4331404.
St. Felim’s NS, Cavan School Enrolment
Applications for enrolment to St. Felim’s NS, Cavan will be accepted up until 2pmnext Friday 11 February 2022. Don't forget to enclose copies of Birth and Baptismal Certificates with your application. Tel 049 4332366 download Application for Enrolment form from
Enrolment from 31st January to 11th February
Butlersbridge 049 4361730
Corlurgan 049 4361718
Crubany 049 4362202
Drumcrave 049 4361496
Farnham 049 4332011
Killygarry 049 4362144
St Clare’s 049 4332671
Please contact the school between 9am and 2pm for an application form.
Thank you to all who contributed to CAPS (Cavan Autism Parents Support) church gate collection. Total raised €1,056.22
5km Night Run / Walk on Wednesday 16 March 2022 in memory of Johnny McCormack. Register online at Proceeds to St. Christopher's Hospice.
Guardian Angel
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here, ever this day (night) be at my side, to light and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Mass Intentions for this week
Alec Dempsey, Highfield Rd
Paddy Sexton, St Patrick’s Tce
Paddy Gaffney, Cathedral Rd
Charlie & Margaret Jackson, Fairview, daughters Rosaleen, Annie, Biddy, Lily , Molly , Susan & deceased members of the Farrelly & Jackson families
Sunday 6th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 6th 10am
Baby Lisa Caffrey & deceased members of Caffrey family, Killynebber &
Heffernan family, Listowel
Mick Conaty & deceased family members, Drung
Thomas Cullivan, Keadue Lane
Sunday 6th 11.30am
Maisie & John Maguire, Bridge St & Farnham Rd.
Charlie Coyle, Harmony Heights
Paddy & Jennifer Sheridan, Harmony Heights, Michael & Tom Donohoe, Tullacmongan
Special Intention
Monday 7th 10am
Donald & Monica Culhane, Keadue Lane
Tuesday 8th 10am
Martin O’Brien, Cavan
Wednesday 9th 10am
Patrick & Nan Kelly
Thursday 10th 10am
Fr Mathew Mundarkal
Friday 11th 10am
Private Intention
Saturday 12th 10am
Mary Glavey, Drumalee
Saturday 12th 7.30pm
Fr Gerard Finegan
Ann Clarke, Drummurry, Crossdoney
Ann Mc Carthy & son John, Latt
Emer O’Reilly, St Phelim’s Place
Sunday 13th 8.30am
Available for Intention
Sunday 13th 10am
Dessie Scanlon, Corlurgan
Tommy Mc Hugh, Highfield Rd
Lisa Fay, Swellan
Peter, Sue & Sean Fay & Anna Gunning, Glenside Rd.
Sunday 13th 11.30am
Delia & Terry Murphy, Fairview & deceased of Murphy & Pryce families
Mary Ellen & Packie Carroll, College St. & deceased members of Connors family
Jimmy Coyle, College St.
St. Clare’s Chapel
Monday 7th 7.30pm
Dympna Brady, St Phelim’s Place
Tuesday 8th 7.30pm
Colm Lee, Billis
Thursday 10th 8am
Private Intention
Sunday 6th 9.30am
Private Intention
Friday 11th 7.30pm
Nathan Greene
Sunday 13th 9.30am
Malo Reilly, Annagelliff
Lena Gumley, Shankill Upr.
Sunday 6th 10.30am
Peter & Maisie Henry, Kilnaglare, Butlersbridge
Paddy Reilly & deceased family members, Lisdarn
Aidan Mullavey, Deredis; Kathleen & Patrick Mullavey, Deredis
Wednesday 9th 7.30pm
Available for Intention
Friday 11th 7.30pm
Sean & Annie Fitzpatrick, James, Kate & Sr Vincent &
deceased of O’Rourke family, Butlersbridge
Sunday 13th 10.30am
People of the Parish
We remember in our prayers
TERESA SMITH, Aughnaskerry
PADDY FARRELL, Poles and all who died recently.
AL ANON -Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on
Cuan Cancer Support Centre is a social support & wellness group for anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis & their family members. We offer a free & confidential counselling service to our service users & their families by appointment. Check out Cuans Website ( for more details on services or contact the centre Mon, Wed & Fri. 10am-1pm & 2-4pm. Ph:086 4556632 Email:
CAVAN GUILD I.C.A. will resume weekly meetings in the Conaty Centre, (Old St. Patrick's College,) Cullies on Wednesday 9th February at 8pm. New members welcome.
CAVAN SOCIAL SERVICES The following weekly activities will resume in THE ORCHARD Function Room, Drumalee: Wednesdays: Knitting and crafts 3-5pm
Thursdays: Whist 8.30pm. New members welcome.