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Pentecost Sunday 6 June 2022




SUNDAY 8.30AM, 10AM, 11.30AM

Mass is also available via the webcam.

Masses week beginning 7 May 2022

Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am

Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)

Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am

St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am, Tuesday 7.30pm, Thursday 8am

St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am; Friday 7.30pm

St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am; Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm

Sunday Mass in St Clare’s Chapel

Mass each Sunday for the duration of the renovations in the Cathedral will be celebrated AT 10.45AM IN ST CLARE’S CHAPEL.

CATHEDRAL RESTORATION PROJECT Thank you to those who have shown an interest so far. Parishioners have said they’d like to financially support, but please wait until I reach out to you. Over the coming months I hope to meet as many parishioners as possible, this is a much more personal approach and will give people an opportunity to ask questions relevant to them. This is a huge undertaking for the Parish, I appreciate your enthusiasm and patience.

Blessing of Graves – Cullies 26th June & Killygarry 3rd July

Families are asked to prepare their plots for the forthcoming Blessing of Graves. A collection will be taken up at the Blessing to fund the upkeep of the cemeteries throughout the year. Those attending are asked to be as generous as they possibly can.

Relics of St. Oliver Plunkett will visit The Conaty Chapel of the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre in Cavan on Tuesday 7 June 2022 with the support of the Knights of Columbanus. The relics will arrive at the Centre at 10:00a.m. and will be available for veneration until 10:00p.m. that evening. There will be a lunchtime Mass in the Chapel at 1:15p.m. (being offered for those doing exams at this time), an early-evening Mass at 5:45p.m., and one at 8:00p.m. There will be an opportunity for Confessions for an hour before each of the three. Petitions/Donations may be sent to the St. Oliver Plunkett Novena, Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7. All petitions received will be placed beside the relics as they rest in the Chapel. All are welcome for this very special event. Please see the poster on the church noticeboard or contact the Centre on 049 4375004 for more information.

Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel

11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New people to undertake Eucharistic Adoration in St Clare's Chapel are urgently required for the following times

Monday 2-3pm / 4-5pm

Tuesday 2-3pm / 3-4pm

Thursday 11am - 12 noon / 4-5pm

Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.

Next Sunday’s Readings

1st Reading: Prov8:22-31

2nd Reading: Rom 5:1-5

Psalm 8

Gospel: John 16:12-15

CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm -3pm

Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at 049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.

Recent Baptisms

We welcome into the Christian Community Holly Tighe, Odhrán O’Keeffe, Jack Conway,

Ruairí Smith Lynch, Seonaid McKiernan, Liam McKiernan & all who were baptised recently

Eucharistic Procession Feast of Corpus Christi Sunday 19 June

To celebrate the Feast of Corpus Christi there will be a Eucharistic procession on Sunday 19 June through the town following the 11.30am mass at the Cathedral. The procession will proceed via Church Street, Main Street, Bridge/Abbey Street and Farnham Street and returning to the Cathedral marquee. A special invitation is extended to the children who received the sacraments this year to take part in this beautiful ceremony along with their parents/guardians. A prominent place will be reserved for them in the procession.

KILMORE DIOCESAN ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO LOURDES will take place from 8-13 July led by Bishop Martin Hayes.Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions it will not be possible to take assisted pilgrims. Bookings at Cavan Travel, Main St., Cavan.

CHY3 FORMS It would be much appreciated if you could sign and return the CHY 3 form if one was included with your receipt.

Legion of Mary meetings on Tuesdays at 8pm in the St Clare’s Chapel until further notice.

Numbers you may find useful to have

ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024

AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48

BODYWHYS (support for those affected by eating disorders) 01 2107906

CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666

MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000

MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811

PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247

SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123

SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339

TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433

WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900

Contributions towards upkeep of our Priests and Bishop

These are our account details if you wish to contribute to the upkeep of our priests in the parish. You can make a once off payment or set up a standing order.

Name of bank account Parish of Urney and Annagelliff Monthly Collection Account

Account number: 58366057


IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57

Bank name and address: AIB, 41 Main St., Cavan

Thank you to all who contribute by envelope weekly and monthly and to all who contribute by standing order. Your generosity is much appreciated.

Holy Water is available in the Cathedral. Ask Maura, the Sacristan.

Lough Derg 2022

One Day Retreats:

August 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29. Adm. €45 booking essential at 071 9861518

3 Day Retreats: June, July and August commencing on Wed 1st June until 13th August (last day to begin 3 day). Adm €80 concessions available for students, seniors & groups. Booking advised at 071 986 1518 or email .

Kilmore Diocesan Apostolic Society is holding a 12 month draw to support the missions. Draw will commence 24 June 2022. Tickets are €50. Please contact Eileen 086 2426699, Anne 086 3162828, Joan 087 6726396, Kathleen 089 2306690.

Mass Intentions for this week


Saturday 4th 7.30pm

No Intentions

Sunday 5th 8.30am

No Intentions

Sunday 5th 10am

Deceased members of Quinn family, Ballinamore

Sunday 5th 11.30am

Philip & Anne O’Reilly, Main St.

John & Margaret Brennan, Drumnavanagh

Inge Adamek

Monday 6th 10am

Boguslaw Osinski

Tuesday 7th 10am

Special Intention

Wednesday 8th 10am

Available for Intention

Thursday 9th 10am

Available for Intention

Friday 10th 10am

Àvailable for Intention

Saturday 11th 10am

Kitty, Angie & Rose Sheridan, Urney, Ballinagh & Cavan

Saturday 11th 7.30pm

Available for Intentions

Sunday 12th 8.30am

Available for Intentions

Sunday 12th May 10am

People of the Parish

Sunday 12th 11.30am

Seamus McCormack, Billis

Isabella Corrigan, Farnham Rd.

Shane & Dora Dempsey, Drumalee

Frankie Johnston, Kilnavara

St. Clare’s Chapel

Sunday 5th 10.45am

Willie Mimnagh, Moynehall [Month’s Mind]

Michael Leonard, Carrickfern [Month’s Mind]

Monday 6th 7.30pm


Tuesday 7th 7.30pm

Owen & Agnes Mullen, grandsons John Paul, Pauric & Aaron, Jubilee Tce

Thursday 9th 8am

Deceased of Brady & Martin families

Sunday 12th 10.45am

Agnes Fitzpatrick, Highfield Rd.

William McCabe, Drumheckna

Patricia McDonagh, Swellan Lr., [Month’s Mind]



Sunday 5th 9.30am

No Intentions

Friday 10th 7.30pm

Willie Mc Govern & Annie Graham

Sunday 12th 9.30am

Jack & Mary Reilly, Edenticlare


Sunday 5th 10.30am

People of the Parish

Wednesday 8th 7.30pm

Private Intention

Friday 10th 7.30pm

Private Intention

Sunday 12th 10.30am

Available for Intentions

We remember in our prayers

THOMAS (TOM) McCORRY, Rush & Blacklion brother of Jim, Butlersbridge and all who died recently.

Butlersbridge ICA Annual Day Tour to Carlingford/Cooley Peninsula on Saturday 2nd July. Everyone welcome. Contact Margaret for full details at 049 4332038.

Cuan Cancer Support Centre is a social support & wellness group for anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis & their family members. We offer a free & confidential counselling service to our service users & their families by appointment. Check out Cuans Website ( for more details on services or contact the centre Mon, Wed & Fri. 10am-1pm & 2-4pm. Ph:086 4556632 Email:

AA Meetings in Pastoral Centre (beside Sleep Out)

Fri & Sat 8.30pm – 10pm

Sun 12noon – 1.30pm

St Columbanus Annual Church Gate Collection this weekend. All proceeds to The Cathedral Repair Fund.

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