Blessing of the Graves
Sacraments / Blessing of the Graves
Blessing of the Graves 2023
Families are asked to prepare their plots for the forthcoming Blessing of Graves. Please bring your own holy water with you to bless the grave. A collection will be taken up at the Blessing to fund the upkeep of the cemeteries throughout the year. Those attending are asked to be as generous as they possibly can.
Sunday 25 June - Cullies 1pm
KILLYGARRY CHANGE OF TIME Please note that the time of the Blessing of Graves in Killygarry has changed. Sunday 2nd July - Mass will be at 11am followed by the Blessing of Graves.
Car Parking for Killygarry Blessing of Graves, 2nd July
Parking will be available in Liberty Insurance Car Park for all, except the elderly, who may park in the church car park. All traffic from both directions should enter the Liberty car park from Hotel Kilmore side with pedestrian access to the cemetery via old Dublin Rd. Stewards will be there to assist.
Saturday 5 August 2023 – Urney 7.30pm
Sunday 6 August 2023 – Butlersbridge
Mass at 10.30am followed by Blessing of Graves
Please bring Holy water with you to the grave blessing.
Irish Graveyard Surveyors have been commissioned by the parish to survey the parish graveyards. The survey consists of mapping the graveyards giving each plot a plot number and indexing the names of all that are interred in the graveyards showing Last name, First name, Address, Year of death, Age at death and plot number. The details of each interment have been taken from the inscriptions on the headstones. The draft version is on display in Cullies, Butlersbridge & Killygarry Cemeteries. Please take time to examine it and check the information for spelling mistakes. As I am sure you can understand that compiling a large number of interments there could be unintentional spelling errors. Alteration sheets are available from the Presbytery which will allow you to have any spelling mistakes corrected. The alterations sheets also allows you to enter details like townland, month of death, year of death or each at death that do not appear on the headstone. All alteration sheets must include a phone number and signature or the changes will not be made. Any queries that you may have please contact Irish graveyards at 087-2076248 between 9-9 Monday to Friday where they will be glad to help you in anyway.
Families are asked to prepare their plots for the forthcoming Blessing of Graves.
A collection will be taken up at the Blessing to fund the upkeep of the cemeteries throughout the year. Those attending are asked to be as generous as they possibly can.