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Educates boys from aged 8 to 12 and St. Felim’s NS has two classes for children with Specific Speech and Language disorder
Enrolment for 2023 / 2024
Application Forms for admission are available from Monay 23 January from St. Felim’s NS www.stfelimsnscavan.ie/enrolment or email office@stfelimsnscavan.ie
Closing date for completed forms to be returned is Thursday 2nd February 2023.

St. Clare’s NS educates boys & girls from ages 4 to 7 and girls from 8 to 12
Enrolment from 30th January to 10th February 2023
Butlersbridge National School educated boys and girls from ages 4 to 12
Enrolment from 30th January to 10th February 2023

Corlurgan National School educates boys & girls from ages 4 to 12
Enrolment from 30th January to 10th February
Corlurgan 049-4361718 office@corlurganns.com

Crubany National School educates boys & girls from ages 4 to 12
Enrolment from 30th January to 10th February
Crubany 049-4362202 crubany.ias@eircom.net
Drumcrave National School educates boys & girls from ages 4 to 12
Enrolment from 30th January to 10th February
Drumcrave 049-4361496 drumcravens@yahoo.ie

Farnham National School educates boys & girls from ages 4 to 12
Enrolment from 30th January to 10th February
Farnham 049-4332011 office@farnhamschool.com

Killygarry National School educates boys & girls from ages 4 to 12
Enrolment from 30th January to 10th February
Killygarry 049-4362144 info@killygarryns.ie