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Masses this week in our Parish

Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am

Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)

Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am

St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am Monday & Tuesday 7.30pm

St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am Friday 7.30pm

St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm

St Clare’s Chapel ADORATION

Eucharistic Adoration 11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.

Next Sunday’s Readings

1st Reading: Is 8:23 – 9:3

2nd Reading: Cor 1:10-13,17

Psalm 26

Gospel: Mt 4:12-23

CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm -3pm

Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at 049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.

Recent Baptisms

We welcome into the Christian Community all who were baptised recently

Souvenir Calendar of the Cathedral 2023 on sale at the Presbytery & Cathedral Bookshop.

LECTIO DIVINA, a prayerful reading of the Sunday gospel has resumed each Tuesday after 10am Mass in the Cathedral. Come and give it a try for half an hour in the Conference room behind the altar.

A number of people requested that we install online facilities as they do not use cash any more. There are three “Tap” machines installed in the Cathedral: Front Porch One at each Candleabra

Diocesan Pastoral Centre: Catholic Evangelist and Author John Pridmore, an Ex London Gangster, will give his testimony on Friday January 20th in the Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cavan. He will share his journey from drug gangland to witnessing to Christ. Rev Thomas Small CC will celebrate Holy Mass. The evening will commence at 7pm with rosary leading into mass at 7.30pm. All welcome”

Leaving Cert. Students – Prayer Friends

If you are a Leaving Cert student and would like a young person from our parish youth group to pray for you please contact Jenny at 049 4331404.


Envelopes for 2023 are being distributed in our parish. We are asking distributors to call to the Presbytery to collect the boxes. We also need new distributors to help in some areas. Please contact the Presbytery 049 4331404 if you can help us.

If you are not already registered with us and would like to receive envelopes to contribute to the upkeep of the priests and our churches please contact the Presbytery 049 4331404, Monday – Friday 9.30am – 4.30pm.

Ensuring Our Legacy. Cathedral Fundraising

Thank you to all that contributed so far. I am delighted to announce we are 75% of the way towards our target. We have reached just over €1.5million in pledges to date. An amazing milestone to surpass.

During the campaign I have met 350 parishioners and sent information packs to over 700 by post. Just over 240 parishioners have contributed and I hope that number can be doubled. If people would like to donate using a monthly envelope please contact Fr Kevin or the Presbytery at the numbers below. To reach our target I need you to:

· Read your information packs

· Consider a gift that is right for you (all donations welcome)

· Drop your form and/or donation to the Presbytery whenever suits

If you don’t have a pack please take one as you exit the Cathedral – they are available in boxes labelled

Ensuring Our Legacy.

In order for everybody to be afforded the opportunity to receive information and ask any questions they wish re the Cathedral / St Augustine’s Hall we will be holding a meeting on Tuesday 7th February at 7.30pm. All are welcome to attend this meeting.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Fr Kevin

Fr Kevin 087 8579968

Presbytery 049 4331404

AA Meetings in Pastoral Centre (beside Sleep Out)

Fri & Sat 8.30pm – 10pm Sun 12noon – 1.30pm

Cavan Town Men’s Shed new members welcome. Would suit retired men. Lear or teach new

skills. Mon, Wed & Fri 10am to 1pm in Cana House, off Farnham St., Cavan

SLEEP OUT CAVAN, based in the grounds of St Patrick’s College, is in need of clothing for the homeless and families in need. Please contact them at 085 7742027.

Numbers you may find useful to have

ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024

AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48

BODYWHYS (support for those affected by eating disorders) 01 2107906

CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666

MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000

MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811

PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247

SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123

SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339

TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433

WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900

Holy Water is available in the Cathedral. Ask Maura, the Sacristan.

We remember in our prayers


PATRICK (PADDY) DALY, Ballyjamesduff

father of Martina Smith, Ashgrove, Drumalee

CAVAN SOCIAL SERVICES: Activities resume in The Orchard Function Room, Drumalee.

Wednesday 18th January - Knitting & Crafts 3-5pm

Thursday 19th January - Whist 8.30pm

New members welcome

Cavan Town Men’s Shed new members welcome. Would suit retired men. Learn or teach new skills. Mon, Wed & Fri 10am to 1pm in Cana House, off Farnham St., Cavan (at rear of St. Felim’s NS)

Cavan Famine & Aids appeal for Africa church gate collection on 14/15 January. Please support. The committee wish to sincerely thank all who donated to the small coins collection at Christmas. Total collected was €474.50

SLEEP OUT CAVAN, based in the grounds of St Patrick’s College, is in need of clothing for the homeless and families in need. Please contact them at 085 7742027.

Mass Intentions for this week


Saturday 14th 7.30pm

Peter & Terry Storey

James & Annie Mc Entee & deceased family members; William, Maureen & Terry Ambler

Peadar Clarke, Glenlara

Annie McNulty, Cullies

Mary Geraldine McCabe, Killynebber

Sunday 15th 8.30am

Special Intention

Special Intention

Sunday 15th 10am

Peter & Mary Shannon, Butlersbridge

Leo Mc Donald, Farnham St.

Maura Keavney, Moynehall

William Mc Cabe, St Aidan’s Tce

Sunday 15th 11.30am

Eddie & Kitty Quinn & son Philip, Rosculligan

Cathal & Kathleen Flood, Billis

Philip & Brigid McDonald, Tower Hamlet

Mary Young, Drumcrave

Monday 16th 10am

Phil Plunkett, Ballyjamesduff

Tuesday 17th 10am

Eddie & Margaret Brady, Urney, Ballinagh

Wednesday 18th 10am

Brian & Rose McKeever, Dundalk; John & Maureen Sheridan, Rathmullen &

deceased of McKeever & Sheridan families

Thursday 19th 10am

Maura Sullivan, Glenside Rd.

Friday 20th 10am

Margaret & Michael Smith, Creamfield

Saturday 21st 10am

Bernard Murray, Owen Roe Tce

Saturday 21st 7.30pm

Eugene Greenan, Cavan

Mary & Hughie Clarke, Tullacmongan

Pat & Madeline McHugh, Latt

Maureen Smith, River St.

Sunday 22nd 8.30am

Special Intention

Sunday 22nd 10am

Available for Intentions

Sunday 22nd 11.30am

Bridget Farrell, Belville, Ballinagh & Tom Farrell

Sean Fitzpatrick, Billis/Tipperary Town [Month’s Mind]

St. Clare’s Chapel

Sunday 15th 10.45am

People of the Parish

Monday 16th 7.30pm

Mary Connolly, Dublin

Tuesday 17th 7.30pm

Special Intention

Sunday 22nd Jan 10.45am

Ann O’Riordan & deceased members of O’Riordan family & Annie Duffy

Sean Murray, Swellan


Sunday 15th 9.30am

Geraldine McLoughlin, Shankill [Month’s Mind]

Brendan Reilly, Killynebber

Friday 20th 7.30pm

Dympna & Jimmy Cusack, Shankill

Sunday 22nd 9.30am

Patrick Farrell, Killygarry

Tommy & Mary Monaghan, Killygarry; Tommy, Katie & Anna Donohoe, Pullamore

Deceased members of Galligan family, Mary Halligan, Ballinagh & Larry Boylan


Sunday 15th 10.30am

Bridie Smith, Farnham St.

Special Intention

Wednesday 18th 7.30pm

Garry & Ena Fortune, Tullylough House

Friday 20th 7.30pm

Tommy Browne, Annalee Park & deceased members of Browne family

Sunday 22nd 10.30am

People of the Parish

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