Monday 15th August – The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Masses are as follows:
Cathedral 10am
Butlersbridge 7.30pm
Killygarry 7.30pm
SUNDAY 8.30AM, 10AM, 11.30AM
Mass is also available via the webcam.
Masses this week in our Parish
Cathedral Monday – Friday 10am
Saturday 10am & 7.30pm (vigil)
Sunday 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am
St. Clare’s Chapel Sunday 10.45am, Monday &Tuesday 7.30pm Thursday 8am
St Brigid’s Killygarry Sunday 9.30am; Friday 7.30pm
St Aidan’s Butlersbridge Sunday 10.30am; Wednesday & Friday 7.30pm
Sunday Mass in St Clare’s Chapel
Mass each Sunday for the duration of the renovations in the Cathedral will be celebrated AT 10.45AM IN ST CLARE’S CHAPEL.
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Is 66:18-21
2nd Reading: Heb 12:5-7,11-13
Psalm 116
Gospel: Luke 13:22-30
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm -3pm
Baptisms in our Parish Booking essential at 049 4331404. Please give 4 -6 weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms We welcome into the Christian Community Theo Jayawardene, Jacob Jayawardene, Paulina Lauciute, Rian Kelly, Ishaan Priya Vishnu, Amali Warden, Kian Rooney, Flynn Brady Joziasse & all who were baptised recently
Irish Graveyard Surveyors have been commissioned by the parish to survey the parish graveyards. The survey consists of mapping the graveyards giving each plot a plot number and indexing the names of all that are interred in the graveyards showing Last name, First name, Address, Year of death, Age at death and plot number. The details of each interment have been taken from the inscriptions on the headstones. The draft version is on display in Cullies, Butlersbridge & Killygarry Cemeteries. Please take time to examine it and check the information for spelling mistakes. As I am sure you can understand that compiling a large number of interments there could be unintentional spelling errors. Alteration sheets are available from the Presbytery which will allow you to have any spelling mistakes corrected. The alterations sheets also allow you to enter details like townland, month of death, year of death or each at death that do not appear on the headstone. All alteration sheets must include a phone number and signature or the changes will not be made. Any queries that you may have please contact Irish graveyards at 087-2076248 between 9-9 Monday to Friday where they will be glad to help you in anyway.
CHY3 FORMS It would be much appreciated if you could sign and return the CHY 3 form if one was included with your receipt.
Legion of Mary meetings on Tuesdays at 8pm in the St Clare’s Chapel until further notice.
Numbers you may find useful to have
ALONE (Support for Elderly): 0818 222024
AWARE (Support for anxious/depressed): 1800 80 48 48
BODYWHYS (support for those affected by eating disorders) 01 2107906
CHILDLINE (Support for Children) 1800 666 666
MABS (money advice & budgeting service) 0818 07 2000
MEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 01 5543811
PIETA HOUSE (Mental Health) 1800 247 247
SAMARITANS (Someone to Talk to) 116 123
SOSAD phone line 24 hours a day – 049 4326339
TERMANN (Domestic Abuse): 085 8102433
WOMEN’S AID (Domestic Abuse/Violence) 1800 341 900
Contributions towards upkeep of our Priests and Bishop
These are our account details if you wish to contribute to the upkeep of our priests in the parish. You can make a once off payment or set up a standing order.
Name of bank account Parish of Urney and Annagelliff Monthly Collection Account
Account number: 58366057
IBAN: IE85 AIBK 9320 5158 3660 57
Bank name and address: AIB, 41 Main St., Cavan
Thank you to all who contribute by envelope weekly and monthly and to all who contribute by standing order. Your generosity is much appreciated.
Holy Water is available in the Cathedral. Ask Maura, the Sacristan.
Lough Derg 2022
One Day Retreats:
August 20, 22, 23, 27, 28, 29. Adm. €45
Booking essential at 071 9861518
3 Day Retreats: June, July and August commencing on Wed 1st June until 13th August (last day to begin 3 day). Adm €80 concessions available for students, seniors & groups. Booking advised at 071 986 1518 or email .
Mass Intentions for this week
Saturday 13th 7.30pm
Eugene O’Neill, Fairview & daughter Lorraine O’Reilly
Colm Crowe, Farnham
Margaret, John & Kathleen Maguire, Drumbar, Farnham
Sunday 14th 8.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 14th 10am
Paddy & Susan Kelly, Breffni Park Lane & Anna Folkes, London
Anthony Garry, Drumnavanagh
Sunday 14th 11.30am
Des Fallon, Drumelis
Paddy Smith, Farnham St.
Elizabeth (Lizzie) McPhillips, Denbawn & Cavan Town
Monday 15th 10am
Seamus & Pauline Conaty
Tuesday 16th 10am
Lily Lynch, Dundalk
Wednesday 17th 10am
Tommie Hunt
Thursday 18th 10am
Deceased of Smyth family, Cootehill Rd. & Kathy Conaty, Connolly St.
Friday 19th 10am
Mae O’Donnell, St Brigid’s Tce.
Saturday 20th 10am
Michael & Annie Young, Carrickane & daughter Bernadette
Saturday 20th 7.30pm
Ciara Tighe (nee O’Hanlon), Clonervy, Poles [Month’s Mind]
Edward Ryan, John Paul Avenue
Tom Johnston, Tullacmongan
John Cunningham, Castlemanor
Sunday 21st 8.30am
Available for Intentions
Sunday 21st 10am
Sue Hill, Billis [Month’s Mind]
Sunday 21st 11.30am
Aleeya McDonagh, Springfield
Felim Kelly, Swellan
Dolores McDonald, Farnham St.
St. Clare’s Chapel
Sunday 14th 10.45am
Joe & Bernadette Kenny & baby Clare McDermott
Monday 15th 7.30pm
Tuesday 16th 7.30pm
Jim & Kathleen Wray, Moynehall & son Brian, Dublin
Thursday 18th 8am
Souls in Purgatory
Sunday 21st 10.45am
Ena & Garry Fortune, Tullylough
Sunday 14th 9.30am
Seamus McGovern, Drumaughera
Paddy & Matt Smith, Rathcorrick & deceased of Smith family, Lisduff
Pat & Maryanne Maguire, Moynehall
Philip Smith, Annaglough; Bridget McGlynn, Stragelliff
Pat & Margaret Carroll, Stragella
Monday 15th 7.30pm
Michaela, Sharon, Brendan, John & Eileen Smith, Creighan & Enda &
Katherine O’Reilly, Milltown
Friday 19th 7.30pm
John & Kevin Smith, Stragelliffe
Saturday 20th 12 noon
Paul Fitzpatrick, Yonkers, NewYork
Sunday 21st 9.30am
People of the Parish
Sunday 14th 10.30am
Rosetta Mc Donald, Derrygoss
Deceased members of Brady family, Drumsilla
Monday 15th 7.30pm
Peter Keogh, Ballymacenroe [Month’s Mind]
Wednesday 17th 7.30pm
PJ & Mary E (Mai) Cosgrove & deceased family members, Butlersbridge
Friday 19th 7.30pm
Private Intention
Sunday 21st 10.30am
Patrick Joseph & Kathleen O’Reilly, Derrylena
We remember in our prayers
PATRICK (PADDY) BRADLEY, Finglas father of Pat, Glasdrummond
JOHN MC NAMARA, Sligo & Cavan & all who died recently
Legion of Mary meetings on Tuesdays at 8pm in St Clare’s Chapel until further notice
Cuan Cancer Support Centre is a social support & wellness group for anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis & their family members. We offer a free & confidential counselling service to our service users & their families by appointment. Check out Cuans website ( for more details on services or contact the centre Mon, Wed & Fri. 10am-1pm & 2-4pm. Ph:086 4556632 Email:
Strides for Life Starting September 2022 - A walking programme for people recovering from cancer treatment. In the Farnham Estate Resort Cavan. For details & Pre-registration please Text/Phone 086 455 6632. Email:
POSITIVE AGE CAVAN – Autumn trip to Waterford Monday 26th September – Thursday 29th September. Price €425 per person, single room €30 extra. Contact 049 4380725
Cavan Parish Church Fundraiser – Tractor Run and 5K Fun Walk on Sunday 21st August. Starting at Cavan Equestrian Centre at 2pm. Registration from 12 noon. Tractors 20euro, Adult walkers 10euro and a family 25euro. Everyone very welcome. All funds go to Cavan Parish Church Restoration Fund. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
Are you one of those people affected by someone else’s drinking?.
We can help – Al Anon meeting every Friday morning at 10.30am in Conaty Centre (Pastoral Centre), St Patrick’s College, cavan
AA Meetings in Pastoral Centre (beside Sleep Out)
Fri & Sat 8.30pm – 10pm Sun 12noon – 1.30pm