Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration has recommenced in St Clare’s Chapel and will take place each day from 11am to 7pm. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Dn12:1-3
2nd Reading: Heb 10:11-14,18
Psalm 15 Gospel: Mk 13:24-32
Confessions in Cathedral each Saturday 2.30pm -3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404
Please give 4-6weeks notice.
We welcome into the Christian Community Martin Stokes & all who were baptised recently.
Ave Maria Bible Study Group
Ave Maria Bible Study group meet each Monday evening at 7.45pm on Zoom for friendly informal discussion of God’s Word in the Bible. New members always welcome. For more information text Tom: 086 3478539.
Text prayer requests to Liam @ 087 2358440
Legion of Mary meetings Tuesday at 8pm in the Cathedral Conference room
A special collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend, 6th & 7th November in aid of Trocaire Emergency Appeal. The funds collected will go towards alleviating hunger and poverty in Sudan and other countries.
NOVEMBER in our Parish:
November Offerings – Please remember to send in the November Lists of the Dead. Masses will be said throughout the month for all our faithful departed. REMEMBRANCE TREE is in place in the sanctuary. Labels are available to write the names of your loved ones whom you wish to remember during this month. Due to Covid 19 we ask you to bring your own pen/pencil.
Nov 8th – Nov 11th:
As we are having a Mass of Consolation on the 12th November it would be lovely if you could leave in a candle - with name or names of deceased family member(s) on it -on the Altar rails during the week leading up to this Mass. These candles will be placed in our Sacred space for the remainder of the month of November.
Nov 12th:
MASS of CONSOLATION, 8pm in the Cathedral.
The Spiritual Accompaniment Ministry is a one to-one confidential service inviting individuals
to explore the meaning of their lives within a faith context. It seeks to help participants
meet God in the ordinary and everyday experiences of life. Anyone wishing to avail of
the skills of a trained lay spiritual director to accompany them on their life journey is
welcome to contact the Diocesan Pastoral Centre on 049 4375004 and make an enquiry. A voluntary contribution would be welcomed, but not essential.
Catholic Diary 2022
Christmas Cards in Box
Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards
Church Art Calendar 2022
and other gifts
Mon – Fri 10am Sun 8.30am, 10am, 11.30am
Sat 6th 7.30pm – Patrick Cronin, Jubilee Tce & son Charlie -Philip Bruno Donohoe, Farnham Rd -Fergus Mc Menamim, Killeshandra -Mary Mimnagh, Moynehall
Sun 7th8.30am – Holy Souls 10am-Deceased of Maguire family, Belturbet -Jack & Elizabeth Galligan, Cootehill Rd -Nancy Gaffney, Drumcrave -Thomas Mac Kenna, Farnham St 11.30am –Nan, Cathal & Mary O’Reilly, Drumgola -Holy Souls -Brian Brady, Bernard, Margaret, Tommy & Brother Clement Brady - John & Eileen Hannigan, Cootehill Rd. Mon 8th 10am –Kathleen & Tommie Reilly, Ardlougher
Tues 9th 10am –Deceased members of Reilly family, Ardlougher, Ballina
1pm - Mass for deceased employees of the Dept. of Agiculture, Cavan
Wed 10th 10am – Gerard Kelly , Ard na Greine
Thurs 11th 10am – November List of the Dead
Fri 12th 10am - Jacinta O’Reilly, Kilsallagh, Ballinagh
8pm – Mass of Consolation
Sat 13th 10am – Elizabeth Reilly, Fairview, parents Patrick & Elizabeth McCaffrey 7.30pm -John, Josie, Noel & Tina Mc Ginnity
-Tom Clarke, Killymooney Drive
-Lyndsey Bury, Kilnavara Crescen
-Derry, Alice, Colm, Dermot Smith & Brian Lynch
Sun 14th 8.30am –Bernard & Anna Cafferty, St Phelim’s Place
10am –Charles & Kathleen Gallagher, Crossmolina & daughter Carmel, Harrow, England
-Peter Lee, Shankill
-Paddy & Winnie Conlon, Earlsvale Rd.
11.30am – Edward & Kathleen Maguire, St Brigid’s Tce
- Peadar & Clare Cassidy, Moynehall
- Joan Jermyn, St Phelim’s Place
- Michael Leddy, Wolfe Tone St
-Tom & Eveleen O’Connor, Athbara; Vincent & Eileen O'Connor, Derrycramph
St. Clare's Chapel Mass Intentions
Mon 8th 7.30pm – November List of the Dead
Tues 9th 7.30pm – Michael Reilly, Park View
Thurs 11th 8am – Jim Taylor, Ballinagh
St. Brigid's Church, Killygarry Mass Intentions
Sun 7th 9.30am – Francis Cahill, Glasdrummond, Patrick & Margaret Ruddy - Bridget Smith, Drung & Swellan
Fri 12th 7.30pm – Special Intention
Sun 14th 9.30am – Donie, John and Mary Ann Smith, Pullamore Hill House
St. Aidan's Church, Butlersbridge Mass Intentions
Sun 7th 10.30am – November List of the Dead
Wed 10th7.30pm – November List of the Dead
Fri 12th7.30pm – Mary & Frank Smith, Derryheen & Terry Smith, Derrygoss Sun 14th 10.30am – Tommy Smyth & deceased of Smyth family, Butlersbridge
CAVAN SOCIAL SERVICES – **Please note change of venue** - have resumed in The Function Room, The Orchard, Drumalee for the following activities: Tues Tai Chi 11am – 12.30pm Wed Arts & Crafts / Knitting 3pm - 5pm Thurs Whist 8.30pm
AL ANON -Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on
Applications are invited for the post of TEMPORARY PART-TIME CARETAKER at the Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan to Christmas 2021 in the first instance on a 30-hour per week basis. Successful candidate ideally must have relevant experience, be able to take up appointment immediately and be available for evening and weekend cover, when required. Applications in writing (with references and an outline of relevant experience) should be forwarded to The Director, Kilmore Diocesan Pastoral Centre, Cullies, Cavan H12 E5C7. Closing date for receipt of applications is 12 noon on Friday 12 November 2021. Interviews will take place during the week beginning Monday 15 November 2021.