Mass Intentions for this week
Saturday 27th November 7.30pm
Patrick Reilly, Carrigan, Anna May Reilly, Carrigan &
College St. & deceased family members
Patrick & Elizabeth Johnston, Frank & Betty, Nora & Mick & deceased family members
John & Jim Brady, Tullacmongan
Sunday 28th 8.30am
Patricia Carragher, Castlemanor Village
Edward Murphy, Loch Sheelin
November List of the Dead
Sunday 28th 10am
Mary Kelly, Stragelliffe
Special Intention
Special Intention
Michael & Rosetta Brady, Middletown, Loughduff
Sunday 28th 11.30am
Deceased members of Sheridan family, Sandy Row, Farnham
Thomas Connolly Jnr., Drumelis
Conor Farrell, Ardee
Brendan Donoghue, Drumalee
Monday 29th 10am
Francie & Joan Murray, Tullacmongan
Tuesday 30th 10am
For all who died in Cavan General in the past year and deceased staff members
Wednesday 1st Dec 10am
Tommy, Clare & Terry Smith, Killycannon
Thursday 2nd10am
Deceased of Brennan family, Ballinamore
Friday 3rd 10am
Paul, Mary & John O’Reilly, Corlough & deceased family members
Saturday 4th10am
Roseanne & Bernard Mc Cabe, Barrack Rd., Kilnaleck
Saturday 4th 7.30pm
Mai Young, Billis
Sinead O’Reilly, Drumalee & Dundrum
Alva Donohoe, Farnham Rd [Month’s Mind]
Maisie & Martin Cleary, Martin Jnr & Ellie Cleary
Rose & Bernard Lynch, Drumcrave
Sunday 5th 8.30am
Anna & Brian Crowe, Kilnavara, William & Anna Meehan, St Phelim’s Place
James & Rose Carroll, College St.
Charlie Fagan & deceased family members, Barconey, Ballyjamesduff
Sunday 5th 10am
Teresa Keaney, Donegal
Tommy & Anna Gilsenan & deceased of Gilsenan family, Kathleen Gilsenan recently deceased in England
Enda Fitzgerald, Dublin
Eamon Mulcahy, Cherrymount
Sunday 5th 11.30am
Charlie Leddy, Carrickane
Jimmy Smith, St Phelim’s Place
Seamus & Mary Munnelly, Church St.
Jimmy Coyle, St Martin’s Est. [Month’s Mind]
St. Clare’s Chapel
Monday 29th November 7.30pm
Deceased members of Lynch & Brady families
Tuesday 30th 7.30pm
John & Mary B Sharkey & grandson Kevin, Drumnavanagh
Thursday 2nd Dec 8am
Hughie Doonan, Fairview
Friday 3rd 8pm
Fergus Mc Menamim, Killeshandra
Sunday 28th November 9.30am
Terry Cusack, Ardkeen
Billy & Kathleen Sheridan, Owen Roe Tce & grandsons Charlie Scully & Garry Morgan
Friday 3rd Dec 7.30pm
Mayjo Mc Gahon & deceased of Mc Gahon & Mallon families, College St.
Sunday 5th 9.30am
Peter & Sheila Smith, Ballinagh
Sunday 28th November 10.30am
Pat, Fr PJ & Luke Flynn, Butlersbridge
Wednesday 1st Dec 7.30pm
Bridie & Seamus Emmo, Butlersbridge
Friday 3rd 7.30pm
Oliver Shannon, Urney
Sunday 5th 10.30am
Flor Huelar
Jimmy, Cissie & Margaret Murphy, Egramush, Butlersbridge
AL ANON -Are you affected by someone else's drinking? Al-Anon family groups offer support for families and friends of alcoholics. Cavan Al-Anon group meeting is held every Wednesday night at 8pm on Zoom. Details on
North West STOP
offers a free counselling service with no waiting lists. Please phone or text 086 777 2009 to arrange
Fundraiser thank you.
The High Ball, Butlersbridge would like to thank all who supported their recent fundraiser. €12,000 was raised for the two charities.
We remember in our prayers
SEAN MC SHERRY, Wicklow & Cavan
PHYLLIS FEALY, Carrickfern
JOHN MC DOWELL, Tullacmongan
AIRMID O’HANLON, Cathedral Rd.
ROSALEEN SHERIDAN, Tower Hamlet / Pullakeel
& all who died recently.
Eucharistic Adoration St Clare’s Chapel
11am to 7pm daily. In order to facilitate social distancing, it will be held in the main part of the church until further notice. New members to undertake 1 hour of pray per week in the presence of the Blessed of the Sacrament are especially welcome. Contact Liam at 087 2358440 to arrange your hour.
Next Sunday’s Readings
1st Reading: Bar 5:1-9
2nd Reading: Phil 1:3-6,8-11
Psalm 125 Gospel: Lk 3:1-6
CONFESSIONS in Cathedral Saturday 2.30pm - 3pm
Baptisms in our Parish
Booking essential at 049 4331404
Please give 4-6weeks notice.
Recent Baptisms
We welcome into the Christian Community
Sophia Fields, Foly Sidong Ashley, Michael Jordan, Archie Mc Loughlin
& all who were baptised recently
For Sale in CATHEDRAL BOOKSHOP Catholic Diary 2022 Christmas Cards in Box Christmas Mass Bouquet Cards Church Art Calendar 2022 and other gifts Orders taken for Liturgical Calendar 2022 – names to be left with Seamus or Elizabeth in the Bookshop.
The Knights of St Columbanus in Cavan Area –
The Knights of St Columbanus are a voluntary organisation of Catholic laymen and we are currently recruiting new members. Membership is drawn from all walks of life within our community. Further information on what we do and on what we are about is available on our website . If you require further information please call John at 0860275300 or Shay on 0872124604
November Remembrance Candles
Please collect your candles from the altar rails this week.
Remembrance Mass
On Tuesday 30th November, the Chaplaincy Department of Cavan General Hospital are holding a Remembrance Mass for those who passed away in the hospital during the past year and also for departed relatives and friends of Staff. It will be held in the Cathedral of Saints Patrick & Felim, Cavan at 10am and we invite you to join us in the Cathedral, or you can watch online at and light a candle at that time in remembrance of your loved one.
Small Coins Christmas Collection for Famine & Aids victims in Africa – 100% of funds collected go to Christian Charities such as Our Lady of Lourdes Mutomo Mission Hospital in Kenya which was established by the Irish Sisters of Mercy. We appeal to all school children to start collecting some of their small change. Please leave coins into Seamus Connolly in the Cathedral Bookshop around Christmas time. Your support is much appreciated. God will bless you for generosity. Further info from Michael Sheridan at 049 4361740.
St. Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
Local St. Vincent de Paul volunteers will be distributing envelopes to houses and businesses in the area soon. Envelopes can be dropped into the VdeP box at the rear of the Cathedral. You can also pick up spare envelopes or direct debit forms there. Donations can also be made online at using the purple “Donate Now” icon. All donations will be used locally to help people who are struggling to make ends meet this Christmas - requests for help can be made using Freephone 1800 677 777. Your generosity to this appeal would be very much appreciated.
Cuan Cancer Support Centre
is a social support & wellness group for anyone who has had a cancer diagnosis & their family members. We offer a free & confidential counselling service to our service users & their families by appointment. Check out Cuans Website ( for more details on services or contact the centre Mon, Wed & Fri. 10am-1pm & 2-4pm. Ph:086 4556632 Email: